[The Skanner] 1803 Fund Will Invest $8 million in 11 Community Partners to Strengthen Black Portland


PORTLAND, Ore. –The 1803 Fund has announced it will invest £8 million in 11 community-based partners aimed at strengthening Black Portland.

Founded in 2020, the investment fund aims to grow shared prosperity, through a mix of financial investments and investments in community-based organizations. Rukaiyah Adams, CEO of 1803 Fund, wrote the fund’s original business concept after George Floyd was murdered in Minneapolis.

“These grants make real a vision that started in 2020,” she said. “I remember thinking that I wanted to use the skills I had developed over 20 years as a professional to do something transformative,” she added.

That commitment to transformation has now materialized as millions of dollars invested in her community.


[Portland Business Journal] 1803 Fund, Rebuild Albina announce $8M for first round of grantees


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